Web error detected, system halted

' . $msg[$err] . '

While trying to load: ' . $url . '

' . "\n" ); if( $err == 401 ) { print( '

You have to log in before you can access this item!

' ); } else if( $err == 403 ) { print( '

No, you\'re not allowed to access this part of the webserver.

' ); } else if( $err == 404 ) { print( '

That file does not exist (anymore). Maybe you\'re looking for something really old, ' . 'or maybe you mistyped the URL. Please try again on the main page. If ' . 'you came here through a hyperlink on a different site, please warn that site\'s webmaster ' . 'about this dead link.

' ); } else if( $err == 500 ) { print( '

Something went terribly wrong. Maybe there\'s a problem with the server, or maybe ' . 'you were trying to do something naugthy. Please warn ' . 'me about this problem.

' ); }